New page! Are you a moron for pronouncing those words incorrectly? That seems a little harsh. I often fail to say certain words in the correct manor. Which re-enforces the moron argument really, but it still seems harsh. Is correcting people wrong? I’d say it’s fine in certain situations. If I make mistakes here (which I often do) I appreciate being told. If somebody makes in error while speaking it’s usually best to stay silent 🙂 To cut a long story short, that’s why I was beaten up by that Girl Guide. I guess I shouldn’t have called her a moron.

Yarost taps into his special power-The ability to transform! Will it be enough to ensure victory or will the Undead Poet Society prove too much for him?! Find out soon in BTB!!!

I plan on posting more stuff on Twitter. There’s a link below if you want to follow me there 🙂

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A big ‘Thank you!’ to all my existing Patrons-you make this possible 🙂